Environment Effects Statement

Are alternatives being considered?

An assessment of alternatives is being undertaken as part of preparing the Western Renewables Link Environment Effects Statement (EES). The scoping requirements for the EES require us to consider ‘alternative corridors, alignments, site locations, designs and other options for the planning, construction or operation of the project’. These requirements are being addressed through investigations and assessments by technical experts. Alternatives put forward by the community and landholders, as well as partial undergrounding at Darley, will be included in a chapter of the EES that covers the assessment of alternatives.

The final project design will aim to minimise the impacts for those who will host the infrastructure and live nearby, as far as practicable, while delivering the best possible outcomes for the energy network for all Victorians.

While a proposed route has been identified and will be included in the EES, it is important to note that the route for the Western Renewables Link will not be finalised until the Minister for Planning completes the Minister’s assessment of the EES and we address any matters raised by the Minister.

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What is an Environment Effects Statement (EES)?
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Are environmental impacts being considered?