Option for Easement process

Does compensation cover sheds, farm equipment and crops etc.?

The Option for Easement proposal may contain provisions as agreed with you for property-specific impacts due to construction activities, if applicable. For example, a financial contribution towards replacement of, or movement of, impacted existing fencing or equipment or movement of livestock.

Lost Crop Value (if applicable) will be included in the Option for Easement as an agreed amount based on the value of any crops:

(i) planted; or
(ii) if the landholder provides AusNet the landholder’s proposal of crops to be planted, proposed to be planted,

in a specified area which will not be capable of being harvested due to the exercise of the option.

To ensure that the impacts to your property are captured and then considered within the Option for Easement, we encourage you to discuss these items with both the appointed project valuer and your Land Liaison Officer.

For further information, refer to Landholder Guide: Option for Easement process and compensation.

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Can I get a second opinion on the compensation valuation?
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What are the key differences between the Option for Easement and compulsory acquisition of the easement?