
How can I get involved in the process?

We are engaging with the community, landholders and interested parties through the project website, virtual engagement room, regular eUpdates, webinars and community engagement sessions. Our engagement activities are designed to provide opportunities for you to have a say in the development of the project and contribute to the EES.

Please refer to the EES consultation plan on our website for more information about our planned approach to community consultation. You can also find more information about our engagement to date in the community engagement summary reports available on the project website, which can be found by searching for community engagement summary report on the Resources page.

As we continue to work through the EES process, we encourage you to stay involved. If you have questions, please call 1800 WRL WRL (975 975) or email You can also register for project updates.

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How do peoples' opinions of impacts affect the project outcomes?
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What is AusNet doing for the mental and physical health of impacted communities?