
How close can transmission lines and towers be built to a building such as a home, a school or a business?

While identifying the proposed route, we have worked to maximise the distance between the transmission line and existing houses, while balancing other route selection criteria to avoid or minimise environmental, social and cultural impacts of the project. There are also several other considerations when siting transmission lines and towers including electrical clearance and safety requirements.

As part of the transmission line design process, an easement is defined which is the area within which the transmission line is built. While the width of the transmission line easement will vary along the proposed route, the easement will provide a 35m to 50m separation (approximately) each side of the transmission line where houses and some infrastructure cannot be built. There are many instances around Victoria and Australia where dwellings are located adjacent to the boundary of a transmission line easement. The Western Renewables Link is being designed to ensure electric and magnetic field (EMF) levels at the edge of the easement are below the requirements that are endorsed by Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA).

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