Information for neighbouring landholders
We have developed a fact sheet based on what we have heard through our discussions with neighbouring landholders. Here you will find more information relating to government approvals and route selection, visual impact from houses and property, ways to provide your feedback, and links to other information resources.
Residential visual impact assessments
A residential visual impact assessment involves a technical specialist visiting residences to assess the potential visibility of the proposed transmission infrastructure.
Through the Environment Effects Statement process we are exploring options to reduce the visual impact including adjusting tower locations, considering use of existing landscape and vegetation to screen the infrastructure, and options for tree planting.

While we have a proposed route that will be presented in the Environment Effects Statement, the route for the Western Renewables Link will not be finalised until the Minister for Planning issues their assessment of the proposed project’s environmental effects under the Environment Effects Act 1978 (Vic). The Environment Effects Statement process must be complete, and Victorian and Commonwealth approvals must be obtained, including approval of the planning scheme amendment, before the route is finalised and construction of the transmission line can begin.