Area of Interest map closing 30 October 2020

Thank you to everyone who has provided us feedback on the Western Victoria Transmission Network Project.

Thank you to everyone who has provided us feedback on the Western Victoria Transmission Network Project. While we don’t know exactly where the final alignment will be, we know that wherever it is, it will have impacts on people’s lives – some more than others.

We are continuing to review every submission to understand the concerns, constraints and opportunities across different areas to identify the best alignment.

Since our project website went live more than 14,500 people have visited. In particular, the project’s online mapping tool has provided a wealth of information. So far, more than 2,800 pins have been dropped letting us know what is important to you.

This online mapping tool will be available for you to have your say until Friday 30 October 2020.

We would like as many people as possible to have their say using this online mapping tool. This is not the end of our engagement; we welcome your questions and feedback by email ( or call 03 9021 0674.

The Project team are using this data to help narrow down the Area of Interest to a project corridor. A report will be prepared to let you know what we have heard and will be shared publicly in mid-November via a project update and be available on the website. You will also still be able to view the map and its data on the website.

An EES provides for an integrated assessment of potential environmental effects (including economic, heritage and social effects) of the project. As part of the EES we will undertake environmental assessments to understand potential impacts from the project and to identify how the impacts can be avoided, minimised and managed.

The EES process provides opportunities for ongoing transparent community consultation. Opportunities for community engagement are documented in our EES consultation plan. This document will be published on our website and the DELWP website. Please register for updates so we can let you know when it is available on our website.

A fact sheet about the EES process can be found here: